Dog Control - Victoria Burdick - (C) 518-279-9609

Town of Grafton Dog Control Code - View/Download

Dog License Form - View/Download - Return Completed form with payment to the Town Clerk’s Office - Town of Grafton, PO Box G, Grafton NY 12082


NY State Law requires that all dogs be licensed annually. The State requires that all Town Clerk’s process dog licenses in their local municipality. Before a license can be issued or renewed, current proof of rabies vaccination must be provided. Thy NYS Department of Agriculture & Markets & New York State Department of Health require that all dogs four months of age or older to be vaccinated for rabies. This is crucial for the general public’s well-being. If your dog is lost, stolen or dies, New York State law requires you to notify the Town Clerk’s Office. Failure to to comply with this law can result in court appearance tickets. Unlicensed dogs are subject to seizure on or off the property of the owner under section 81-3.A of the Code of the Town of Grafton. View/Download