Assessor’s Office

Assessor: Roberta Stone

Assessor’s Clerk: Linda Laveway

Town of Grafton
Assessment Office
Box G 2379 NY Rt 2
Grafton, NY 12082

Office: (518) 279-3565 ext 12 - Assessor’s Clerk ext 17
Fax: (518) 279-3685


Clerk Email:

Office Hours

Call before coming in

Tuesday 9am to 1pm
Thursday 9am to 1pm

Friday 1:30pm to 4:30pm

2024 Final Assessment Roll

Final Assessment Roll 2023

Assessor’s Information:
If you will be 65 during 2025, and your income is less than $58,400, you may qualify for the Senior Citizen’s exemption.
If you will be turning 65 any time in 2025 and your total household income is less than $107,300, contact the Assessor’s office for information on the Enhanced STAR program.
Every homeowner, no matter what your age, should be aware of the Basic STAR credit for your primary residence. If you have never heard of STAR, call for more information.


Chuck Douglas

Pat Ivory

Mike Smith

May 23, 2023 BOAR Minutes